By Shalom Pollack – used with permission.
This is a day of celebration, but not just one of common revelry, fireworks, and parties.
Anniversaries are a good time for reflection, both personal and especially
national, both Gentile and Jewish. The unique combination of Jewish and national separates the occasion from all others.
Because we are His Chosen people living in His Chosen Land
and the holiest of cities.
There is no need to review the once-in-history relationship
between the Jewish people and this particular land and city.
Historians still try to understand it.
When in 1948 the just-born Jewish state in its homeland fought for its survival, they managed to keep a part of Jerusalem - the lesser historic and holy parts. Those areas were conquered by the (British armed and led) Jordanian army.
During Jordanian occupation of parts of the holy city
including the holiest site in the world, the Jordanians methodically destroyed
and barbarically desecrated the holiest Jewish sites under their control
including the oldest Jewish cemetery in the world and ancient synagogues which
they turned into latrines.
Israel survived the massive onslaught from within and from within. This was the first national miracle that He bestowed upon His People upon their return home.
In 1967, the Arab world led this time not by Britain but the USSR, drew the noose around the neck of the tiny Jewish country. There was not one "expert" who thought that Israel could pull off yet another miracle and survive. The Arabs were going to have their Jihad this time and the Communist world joined the alliance of atheists and the followers of Muhammad in the common goal.
The despised Jews were goners this time.
Well, we all know the story.
What seemed a sure catastrophic defeat turned out to be an
unprecedented victory.
For weeks prior to
the beginning of the war, the Jewish world and Israel massed for prayers on
behalf of the tiny Jewish community in the holy land. Only a mega miracle of
biblical proportions could save them.
When the miracle of biblical proportions occurred and the prayers were answered, the Arab enemy and the world were in awe.
The Arabs who were certain that they would enjoy a huge
pogrom were the next day fleeing for their lives in panic - just as they did in
This was the moment of destiny that hung in the balance of
Jewish history.
The world held its breath.
Short history video on the miracle of the Six Day War
Would the Jews recognize the miracle? Would they recognize
and thank the great God who performed it?
Would they accept the gift handed them on a silver platter
and acknowledge their responsibility in furthering the redemption of the land
and the world?
Would they remove the foreign abominations forced on the
site of our holiest ground when we were in exile?
Rabbi Shlomo Goren, chief rabbi of the IDF, understood and offered thanks
publicly. When he entered our holy sites, the Arab occupiers fled as quickly as they could.
The Arabs understood.
He understood. However, he did not have the power to decide.
The anti-God leadership of the state, especially Moshe Dayan insisted that the great victory was of their own brilliant doing. By now they were convinced that the totally illogical victories of 1948 and now 1967 were the natural result of their own superman-like superiority.
The Arab enemy fled in panic. Dayan magnanimously called them back. He was kinder than God.
The keys to the Temple mount were given to the Israelis by
quivering Arab hands, Dayan returned them to the panicked Arabs and soothed
Men like Rabbi Goren and Rabbi Kook were heartbroken as they
saw the arrogant anti-God leadership scornfully kick the miracle on the silver
platter back into the face of our loving Father who had pity on us once again.
They understood that the unique moment was lost.
But God hates arrogance more than any other human vice.
And so, as the Israeli secular elites celebrated their
invincibility, the Yom Kippur war was on its way.
On Yom Kippur, 1973 the combined Arab armies along with the
might of the USSR attacked the self-congratulating Jewish state.
Israel was almost wiped out.
Dayan said it looked like the destruction of the Third
Temple. He saw no way out.
This time it seemed, there were to be no miracles. The God
of miracles had had enough.
But He is our merciful Father and remembers His pact with our forefathers. For their sake He intervened yet again. The Jewish people will not be destroyed, despite themselves.
The IDF eventually threw the combined Arab armies beyond the
starting point and were poised to take their capital cities. There was never
such a counterattack in history.
It was a very, very close call and victory came at a high
This time Israel's arrogant leadership was humbled.
Since the Yom Kippur trauma, the country has not been the same.
Replacing the misplaced arrogance of pre-1973, there now
settled over the land an unprecedented pessimism, fear and self-doubt.
Thus began a continuing string of retreats and appeasement
policies that continue today.
Jerusalem day.
Do we dare carry the flag in certain parts of our capital
Will "Hamas" or "Islamic Jihad" or some other terror group that we helped prosper black mail the Israeli superpower?
Everyone is waiting to see what they will decide if the Jews
"step over the line" in Jerusalem.
Before Yom Kippur Israel had its super arrogance stage.
The post Yom Kippur phase is of extreme lack of confidence
and sense of justice.
How much further can this self-deprecating fearful psychoticism extend?
In the natural world, one would say it can extend to the bitter
end - as our enemies from within and without grow bolder by the day. Nations have
imploded time and again. It is not new.
That is in the normal world. However, we have a God that loves us and that is why there will be a happy ending.
Who will lead the
nation to a happy ending?
The tens of thousands of beautiful young Torah Jews marching with flags to the Kotel today are the vanguard of our hope.
They are neither arrogant nor defeatist. And they believe in
They are what our God wants.
![]() |
Dutch Christian Zionists after joining the Flag March |

More than 50 years ago, Shalom Pollack left New York for his Homeland: Israel.
He served in the IDF and did his reserve duty in Hebron. Since
1979, Shalom is a licensed tour guide who continues to share his love and enthusiasm
for Eretz Israel with tourists from abroad and locals.
His book Jews, Israelis and Arabs Shalom includes 68
compelling articles commenting on events in Israel.
The staunch Zionist continues to share well written email
articles about his beloved Israel.
“Israel, WHAT a country!”
Contact information: email:
Publisher : Mazo Publishers (October 7, 2021)
: 216