However, the lady, Zipporah Porath, wrote back that as I lived in Jerusalem, I could get the book through someone living not too far from us. Also, she wanted to know why I was interested in MACHAL.
An intensive email correspondence began, and I it just ‘clicked’ between Zippy and me, who is more than 30 years my senior. One thing led to another and I ended up creating brochures from two of the Jerusalem Letters, translating them into Dutch, and finding myself revived in returning to ‘active’ life.
You’ll find more about this special lady on my Website – I’ve created a special Zippy’s page, because the story of this eye-witness to Israel’s birth, must never be forgotten!
On the FOR THE LOVE OF HISTORY blog you’ll find two articles about MACHAL, which I wrote for Front Page Jerusalem Radio.
You can also listen to it: (a very revised version of what I wrote)
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